Concrete Garden

Concrete Garden

Funk und Alternative Rock aus Wien


The austrian band Concrete Garden commits itself to melodic yet complex and diverse alternative rock and a compelling live show. Connecting rhythmic and driving riffs with calm and soothing parts the band creates a new and refreshing ambience to lose oneself in it.

Over the course of 2014 the members of Concrete Garden met through several evenings filled with lots of beer and playing cards. Their common drive to combine their ideas of music soon converged in the first rehearsals and many more both longlasting and liquid evenings. The final outcome convinces with a thorough blend of all instruments and lyrics to an impulsive and emotional collective.

Band/Ensemble: Band (Rock/Pop/Metal/Punk/Blues/...)

Anzahl Künstler: 4.

Vorwiegend Eigenkompositionen

Funk: Jazzfunk, Funk (Allgemein)
Jazz: Jazz (Allgemein)
Rock: Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rock (Allgemein)

Öffentliche Veranstaltungen: Straßenfest, Konzert/Festival, Benefiz (Konzert/Veranstaltung)

Blasinstrument: Blasinstrument (Allgemein), Trompete
Gesang: Englisch, Gesang (Allgemein), Männerstimme
Saiteninstrument (Zupfinstrument): E-Bassgitarre, Saiteninstrument/Zupfinstrument (Allgemein), E-Gitarre
Schlaginstrument: Schlaginstrument (Allgemein), Schlagzeug
Tasten- und Knopfinstrument: Tasten- und Knopfinstrument (Allgemein), Keyboard

Programmdauer von 30 bis 90 Minuten.

Akustikversion (kleine PA/Tonanlage bzw. Strom notwendig)

Verstärkt (PA/Tonanlage vom Veranstalter gestellt)

Bandstatus: Hobby

Diverses: Live

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