Deasel Weasel

Deasel Weasel

It's not a Gimmick, It's a Statement!


They started drinking beer together and creating their own unique sound: “Progressive Grindpop”.
Influenced by different music styles, their rousing, unique sounds and cheeky, sarcastic lyrics have
already converted the sexiest audience to Deasel-Weaselism – from Metalheads to Indie-Poppers.

These 4 Alternative Rockers from Graz managed to discover their very own sound: Playfully Deasel Weasel combines easy going pop music with experimental rock tunes...

Once you lose grip on the chair and off you go into the night between rock and scrubby pop. Shitted on Structural Integrity and true to scale playback of unattainable obstacles. Just immerse into a unforgettable pleasurable concert. So let's say ,one day, they'll move into the ephemeral port of eternal heroes. Or to make it easy to formulate: For they will not want to have been knowing what they will not have been going to have done... So note: It's not a gimmick, it's a statement... Yeah!

Band/Ensemble: Band (Rock/Pop/Metal/Punk/Blues/...)

Anzahl Künstler: 4.

Vorwiegend Eigenkompositionen

Populärmusik: Pop (Allgemein)
Rock: Rock (Allgemein)

Öffentliche Veranstaltungen: Konzert/Festival, Straßenfest

Gesang: Männerstimme, Gesang (Allgemein)
Saiteninstrument (Zupfinstrument): Akustik Gitarre, Akustik Bassgitarre, Mandoline, E-Gitarre, Saiteninstrument/Zupfinstrument (Allgemein), E-Bassgitarre
Schlaginstrument: Schlaginstrument (Allgemein), Schlagzeug
Tasten- und Knopfinstrument: Tasten- und Knopfinstrument (Allgemein), Keyboard

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