Alisha Popat is a soulful international storyteller whose journey began in the heart of Kenya and has since resonated with audiences worldwide.
Her rendition of 'We Found Love' alongside Lindsey Stirling struck a chord with millions, surprising even Alisha herself as it soared to a staggering 60 million views.
CNN's 'African Voices' recognized Alisha's unique voice, not just for its melody but for its message. Selected as a representative of Kenya's burgeoning music scene, she is proud of being a pioneer for the indie industry in East Africa.
Balancing life between the vibrant streets of Berlin, Vienna and the rhythmic heartbeats of Kenya, Alisha stands ready to elevate corporate events, weddings, festivals, and more with her signature flair. She offers a duo and trio combination that is soulful and electric and will leave you feeling nostalgic.
Her focus is always on creating moments of genuine connection with her audience.
Band/Ensemble: Unterhaltungsband, Ensemble/Musikgruppe
Anzahl Künstler: 3.
Coverband / Interpret mit Eigenkompositionen (Alisha Popat)
Country: Country
Rock: Rock (Allgemein), Blues Rock, Pop-Rock, Indie Rock
Firmen Events: Sommerfest, Firmen Events (Allgemein), Weihnachtsfeier
Hochzeit: Jubiläumshochzeiten, Abendmusik, Trauung / Messgestaltung, Mitternachtseinlage, Agape, Standesamt
Lifestyle Events: Modeschau
Private Veranstaltungen: Kindergeburtstagsfeier, Private Veranstaltungen (Allgemein), Geburtstagsfeier
Öffentliche Veranstaltungen: Tischmusik (z.B. Heuriger), Gala, Barmusik, Begleitmusik (z.B. Dinner), Benefiz (Konzert/Veranstaltung), Straßenfest, Weihnachtsmärkte, Bierfest (WiesnGaudi), Konzert/Festival, Unterhaltungsmusik (Fest), Vernissage/Eröffnung, Sponsions-/Promotionsfeier
Gesang: Englisch, Gesang (Allgemein), Frauenstimme
Saiteninstrument (Zupfinstrument): Akustik Gitarre, Saiteninstrument/Zupfinstrument (Allgemein)
Tasten- und Knopfinstrument: Keyboard, Tasten- und Knopfinstrument (Allgemein)
Gage von € 0,– bis € 0,–
Verstärkt (PA/Tonanlage vom Veranstalter gestellt)
Bandstatus: Hobby