

Yes, another Band starting with "Witch".


Witchrider is a rock group formed in Graz/AUT in 2012 by Michael Hirschmugl, H.P. Leitner and Daniel Dorninger. Before finally settling with the name "Witchrider" they called themselves "Desert Mountain" (after "Desert Sessions" in California). However, they decided that "Witchrider" was a better fit to their musical style. The idea for the bandname was taken from sleep paralysis, which is also known as "riding the witch".
Their first release "Black" was recorded just a few weeks after their formation in November and was released on the Witchrider EP together with 4 other songs.
The EP and especially "Black" gained airplay on Radio FM4 and Radio Soundportal.
Although Dorninger, Hirschmugl and Leitner recorded all the instruments on the EP, Bernhard Weigl supported them live as the bass player on their first live gig and has been part of the band ever since.
Witchrider have released their first album on Fuzzorama Records in November 2014 (Europe) and in January 2015 world wide.

Witchrider is a rock group formed in Graz/AUT in 2012 by Michael Hirschmugl, H.P. Leitner and Daniel Dorninger. Before finally settling with the name "Witchrider" they called themselves "Desert Mountain" (after "Desert Sessions" in California). However, they decided that "Witchrider" was a better fit to their musical style. The idea for the bandname was taken from sleep paralysis, which is also known as "riding the witch".
Their first release "Black" was recorded just a few weeks after their formation in November and was released on the Witchrider EP together with 4 other songs.
The EP and especially "Black" gained airplay on Radio FM4 and Radio Soundportal.
Although Dorninger, Hirschmugl and Leitner recorded all the instruments on the EP, Bernhard Weigl supported them live as the bass player on their first live gig and has been part of the band ever since.
Witchrider have released their first album on Fuzzorama Records in November 2014 (Europe) and in January 2015 world wide.

Band/Ensemble: Band (Rock/Pop/Metal/Punk/Blues/...)

Anzahl Künstler: 4.

Vorwiegend Eigenkompositionen

Rock: Stoner/Desert Rock, Grunge, Rock (Allgemein), Psychedelic Rock, Alternative Rock

Öffentliche Veranstaltungen: Konzert/Festival

Gesang: Englisch, Männerstimme, Gesang (Allgemein)
Saiteninstrument (Zupfinstrument): E-Bassgitarre, E-Gitarre, Saiteninstrument/Zupfinstrument (Allgemein), Akustik Gitarre
Schlaginstrument: Schlaginstrument (Allgemein)

Akustikversion (kleine PA/Tonanlage bzw. Strom notwendig)

Verstärkt (PA/Tonanlage vom Veranstalter gestellt)

Verstärkt (PA/Tonanlage vom Künstler gestellt). Beschallung für bis zu 200 Personen.

Bandstatus: Profi

Diverses: Live

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Live in Kiel
