Dream X Awake

Dream X Awake



Dream X Awake is a 5 piece Melodic Beatdown/Deathcore Band from Austria/Bad Ischl.
This 5 dudes started as a fun project in spring 2015, but fast it turned out that the “magic” that is happening feels right. We’ve played a few shows in the last time and damn it really is fun.
Our sound is somewhere between catchy melodies and heavy breakdowns, there really is something in it for everybody, because our influences are wide spread.
Cheers to everyone who shows us support and books us for a show.

In 2016 we played some shows with bands like:

Napoleon (UK)
Being As An Ocean (USA)
Stick to your Guns (USA)
Black Tongue (UK)
The Sorrow (AUT)
Thus I End (AUT)
Crossing Edge (AUT)
As Daylight Fades (UK)
We Blame The Empire (AUT)

and many more....

Dream X Awake is a 5 piece Melodic Beatdown/Deathcore Band from Austria/Bad Ischl.
This 5 dudes started as a fun project in spring 2015, but fast it turned out that the “magic” that is happening feels right. We’ve played a few shows in the last time and damn it really is fun.
Our sound is somewhere between catchy melodies and heavy breakdowns, there really is something in it for everybody, because our influences are wide spread.
Cheers to everyone who shows us support and books us for a show.

In 2016 we played some shows with bands like:

Napoleon (UK)
Being As An Ocean (USA)
Stick to your Guns (USA)
Black Tongue (UK)
The Sorrow (AUT)
Thus I End (AUT)
Crossing Edge (AUT)
As Daylight Fades (UK)
We Blame The Empire (AUT)

and many more....

Band/Ensemble: Band (Rock/Pop/Metal/Punk/Blues/...)

Anzahl Künstler: 5.

Vorwiegend Eigenkompositionen

Metal: Metal (Allgemein), Metalcore
Sonstiges: Melodic Beatdown/Deathcore

Firmen Events: Firmen Events (Allgemein), Sommerfest
Private Veranstaltungen: Private Veranstaltungen (Allgemein), Geburtstagsfeier
Öffentliche Veranstaltungen: Unterhaltungsmusik (Fest), Barmusik, Straßenfest, Konzert/Festival, Benefiz (Konzert/Veranstaltung)

Gesang: Männerstimme, Gesang (Allgemein), Englisch
Saiteninstrument (Zupfinstrument): E-Gitarre, E-Bassgitarre, Saiteninstrument/Zupfinstrument (Allgemein)
Schlaginstrument: Schlagzeug, Schlaginstrument (Allgemein)

Programmdauer von 25 bis 50 Minuten.

Verstärkt (PA/Tonanlage vom Veranstalter gestellt)

Verstärkt (PA/Tonanlage vom Künstler gestellt)

Diverses: Live

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Bad Ischl