Os & the Sexual Chocolates

Os & the Sexual Chocolates

As the name promises Os & the Sexual Chocolates not only play - but are Funk.


Since 2009 Os & the Sexual Chocolates are celebrating funk music. The Austrian band started as a trio and in 2013 were joined by a new drummer, keys, sax and trumpet. With this new formation they’re creating the sound they’re playing today.

Frontman and guitarist Oskar Weber’s unique voice brings the songs to live. The Sexual Chocolates consist of: Christian Sonderegger (tr), Gerd Veleba (sax), Andreas Tschofen (keys), Antonio Della Rossa (b) and Raphael Keuschnigg (drums), who together create a sound treat.

Their ingredients are made out of rough rhythms and flavored grooves, coated with crispy melodies. The mix is perfected with a soft cracking sound of brown sugar coating, garnished with fresh and minty horns.

Since 2009 Os & the Sexual Chocolates are celebrating funk music. The Austrian band started as a trio and in 2013 were joined by a new drummer, keys, sax and trumpet. With this new formation they’re creating the sound they’re playing today.

Frontman and guitarist Oskar Weber’s unique voice brings the songs to live. The Sexual Chocolates consist of: Christian Sonderegger (tr), Gerd Veleba (sax), Andreas Tschofen (keys), Antonio Della Rossa (b) and Raphael Keuschnigg (drums), who together create a sound treat.

Their ingredients are made out of rough rhythms and flavored grooves, coated with crispy melodies. The mix is perfected with a soft cracking sound of brown sugar coating, garnished with fresh and minty horns.

Band/Ensemble: Unterhaltungsband, Ensemble/Musikgruppe, Band (Rock/Pop/Metal/Punk/Blues/...), Tanzband/Ballband

Anzahl Künstler: 6.

Funk: Funk (Allgemein)
Soul: Soul

Firmen Events: Sommerfest, Firmen Events (Allgemein), Weihnachtsfeier
Hochzeit: Abendmusik, Mitternachtseinlage, Polterabend
Private Veranstaltungen: Private Veranstaltungen (Allgemein), Geburtstagsfeier
Öffentliche Veranstaltungen: Benefiz (Konzert/Veranstaltung), Konzert/Festival, Straßenfest, Tanzmusik (Bälle), Sponsions-/Promotionsfeier, Disco, Barmusik

Blasinstrument: Trompete, Blasinstrument (Allgemein), Saxophon
Gesang: Gesang (Allgemein), Englisch, Männerstimme
Saiteninstrument (Zupfinstrument): E-Bassgitarre, Saiteninstrument/Zupfinstrument (Allgemein), E-Gitarre
Schlaginstrument: Schlagzeug, Schlaginstrument (Allgemein)
Tasten- und Knopfinstrument: Klavier, Tasten- und Knopfinstrument (Allgemein)

Programmdauer von 60 bis 120 Minuten.

Verstärkt (PA/Tonanlage vom Veranstalter gestellt)

Bandstatus: Semiprofi

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